
Jihung Science & Technology Company

Jihung Science & Technology Company is responsible for technical services, exchanges and joint technical development of the university's high-tech products and provides research and development units with equipment, parts, reagents and materials necessary for operating the intellectual product production bases and modernizing the production processes.

Its main products are various kinds of cast steel and castings, various effective medicines, experimental apparatus, analytical equipment, measuring equipment, etc.

The company has produced various kinds of cast steel and castings such as pumps, turbine blades, gears and engine bodies, and other advanced machinery including roller crushers, network combiner using combustion mould casting technology. It also has realized domestic sales of these products and has introduced combustion mould casting technology into several enterprises of the country and has been expanding the technical exchange with famous foreign scientific institutes in this field.

The combustion mould casting equipment and medical products developed by the office were registered as domestic patents and awarded the February 16 Science and Technology Prize and diploma and medal for inventers of World Intellectual Property Ownership Organization