
Revolutionary Historic Monumental Slab

Revolutionary Historic Monumental Stone (back of e-library)

Revolutionary Historic Monumental Stone

The monumental stone was placed on Sep 1, 1980, marking the place where President appointed the site for the university on Aug 9, Juche36(1947).

Revolutionary Historic Monumental Stone (at Building No.1)

Revolutionary Historic Monumental Stone

The monumental stone was placed on Sep 1, 1980, marking the place where President had a talk with the students who had been working in the construction site of Building No.1 on Jun 12, Juche 54(1965).

Revolutionary Historic Monumental Stone (at Science Library)

Revolutionary Historic Monumental Stone

The monumental stone was placed beside Science Library on Sep 1, 1980, marking that President gave invaluable teachings for management of the library while giving on-the-spot guidance on Oct 18, Juche59(1970).

Revolutionary Historic Monumental Stone (at one side of e-library)

Revolutionary Historic Monumental Stone

The monumental stone was placed on Sep 1, 1980, marking the place where Chairman had a talk with members of the art troupe of the university on Sep 20, Juche50(1961).

Revolutionary Historic Monumental Stone (back of e-library)

Revolutionary Historic Monumental Stone

Here, Chairman had talks with students several times from Sep, Juche49(1960) to Mar, Juche53(1964).