
The mission of the Faculty of Philosophy as a centre of education of and research into philosophy of the country is to train experts in Juche philosophy fully imbued with great Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism and to make an active contribution to the development of social science theories of the country.

It was formed in 1961 by merging the philosophy department and psychology department, which had belonged to the Faculty of History. It was incorporated into the Faculty of Law in 1976 before it became independent in 1980.

It has eight departments, which include the Department of Fundamentals of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, the Department of Works of Comrades Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Un, the Department of Juche Philosophy, the Department of History of Philosophy, the Psychology Department, the Logic Department, the Department of Ethics and Aesthetics, and the Department of Applied Sociology, and one research institute (Institute of Kimjongunism).

It offers courses in Juche Philosophy and Psychology.

Juche Philosophy

The main subjects include "Works of Comrades Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Un", "Fundamentals of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism", "Juche Philosophy", "Psychology", "Logic", "Ethics", "General Psychology", "History of Korean Philosophy", "Tonghak", "History of Logic", "History of Marxist-Leninist Philosophy", "Dialectical Materialism", "History of Eastern Philosophy", "History of Eastern Political Ideas" and "Sociology".

The Faculty has a staff of 100-odd lecturers and researchers including one candidate academician and 40 Doctors of Philosophy. About half of the teaching staff have academic titles of professors and associate professors.

It has some 1 200 students.