
Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature

The main mission of Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature is to educate competent experts of foreign relations, diplomats and international relation experts, and is responsible for teaching foreign languages to all the students of the university.

At the time of foundation of Kim Il Sung University, Department of Russian Language and Literature was responsible for teaching Russian to the students from both major course and other courses. On September 1st, 1949, when several social science faculties derived from Literature Faculty, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature that consisted of Russian Language and Literature Course and English Language and Literature Course was organized.

The Department of Foreign Languages of Literature consists of 13 departments; Department of English Language and Literature, Department of Russian Language and Literature, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Department of German Language and Literature, Department of French Language and Literature, English Department No.1, English Department No.2, Russian Department, Chinese Department, Japanese Department, Department of History of Foreign Literature, Department of Foreign Languages Information, International Relations Department.

There are Russian Language and Literature Course, Chinese Language and Literature Course, German Language and Literature Course, French Language and Literature Course, Japanese Language and Literature Course, and English Language and Literature Course.

Typical subjects are the ones related to languages and the history of literature of several countries, and the history of international relations.

There are 210 teaching staff including 30 doctors. 80 of the teaching staff have academic title of professor or associate professor.

About 1 300 students are studying at the faculty.