
President Kim Il Sung initiated to build a new hospital equipped with up-to-date medical facilities and wards while he was giving guidance to the university on July 1st 1955.

Thus a new hospital opened with 25 beds and some 20 medical workers and staffs.

At present, the total number of staffs are 88 and there are scores of departments such as surgery, internal treatment, ophthalmology, ENT and cervical treatment, dermatology, Koryo medicine, dentist's, neuropathy, prophylactic departments No.2 and 3, pharmacist's, X-ray, reception, lab, functional diagnosis and so on. The number of beds increased by 102.

It is equipped with all the facilities necessary for the treatment such as 40 treatment rooms and 1 operating room, 20 wards, functional recovery room, pharmacist's, medicine workshop, dining hall, bathroom, toilet and so on.

It performs operations on about 500 people every year and the medicines are supplied regularly while producing on their own.

Thanks to the warm care of Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un, it was equipped with an e-endoscope, an abdomen ultrasonic examiner, an ECG, an electromyogram, an electroencephalograph and many other up-to-date functional examiners and developed into a modern hospital with X-ray examiner as required by the medical development.

The hospital appoints the doctors in charge of faculties and makes effective contributions to health care and medical treatment of teachers and students by carrying out our party's policy of preventive medicine.