"The lifeline of the revolutionary traditions is purity. It is only when we safeguard them that our Party can stoutly maintain the bloodline of Juche."
The lifeline of the revolutionary traditions is purity, which means that it is the basic factor that defines the existence and value of the revolutionary traditions.
The revolutionary traditions are, in essence, the revolutionary wealth created by the leader. Therefore, the existence, value and role of the revolutionary traditions are guaranteed only when they are associated with the revolutionary activities of the leader. If another "tradition", which is alien to the revolutionary activities of the leader, is inserted into them even a bit, it will make them lose the vitality and value as revolutionary traditions and no longer exist.
Only when the purity is maintained can the revolutionary traditions become the historical roots of the party and the revolution and the bloodline that inherits the revolutionary cause, and the lineage of the party and the revolution be inherited in a pure way.
This shows that the maintenance of the purity of the revolutionary traditions is a fundamental question of deciding whether or not the revolutionary traditions keep up their existence and play the role, in other words, whether they have the vitality as the revolutionary traditions or not.
Historical experiences clearly show that all kinds of opportunists including revisionists have viciously manoeuvred to tarnish or wipe out the revolutionary traditions initiated by the leader in order to slander his leading authority and check his cause.
The anti-Party revisionists who had wormed their way into our revolutionary ranks in the past were, without exception, renegades of the revolution, and they made desperate efforts to slander the revolutionary traditions of our Party and check its inheritance whenever the revolution was arduous and difficult. They advocated the tradition of doing great harm to our revolution in order to justify their counterrevolutionary moves and tried to introduce it into our Party's revolutionary traditions, making every possible effort to obscure the historical roots of our Party and revolution and emasculate them. This is the lesson of history that we must never forget.
The revolutionary traditions of the WPK are the only traditions of the Korean revolution which were established in the flames of the anti-Japanese revolution and have been carried forward and developed constantly in the grim annals of the revolution.
The Korean people will glorify for all ages the glorious revolutionary traditions, eternal cornerstone of the Korean revolution, as their eternal lifeline and accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche pioneered on Mt. Paektu to the last.