
US A-Bomb Blackmail Fails to Bring the Korean People to Submission


The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said:

"Comrade Kim Il Sung was strong in faith and will and had unsurpassed courage."

On looking back upon past history, the imperialist forces headed by the US incessantly applied pressure and made military threats against the DPRK and the Korean revolution was faced with a myriad of ordeals.

On every occasion, President Kim Il Sung overcame the crisis with the faith in sure victory, strong pluck and matchless courage to turn adversity into favourable conditions and misfortune into blessing, and thus achieved victory.

Among such events there is the story about thwarting of the US imperialists' nuclear threat and blackmail during the Fatherland Liberation War.

To realize their wild ambition for aggression, the US imperialists, who had suffered serious military and political defeat at the outset of the Korean war and were destined to be driven out of the Korean territory, made desperate attempts by mobilizing in the Korean front two million troops including one-third of the US Army, one-fifth of the US Air Force, most of the US Pacific Fleet, and the armies of 15 satellite countries, puppet army and the Japanese militarists.

Seized with fear of ruin for their miserable lot, they ran amuck, blustering that they would use atomic bombs in the war.

On November 30 1950, US President Truman openly talked about the use of atomic bombs on the Korean front and an order was issued to the US Strategic Air Force to put bombers on standby to fly them to the Far East for immediate dropping of A-bombs. After Truman hurled such invective, MacArthur, the commander of the US Armed Forces in the Far East and commander of the UN Forces, roared that they would form a radioactive corridor from the East Sea to the West Sea in the northern part of Korea and that within the area, no living thing would revive for 60 or 120 years. At that time, a US aircraft carrier at anchor in the waters off Inchon was secretly loaded with nuclear weapons and deck planes carrying nuclear bombs were waiting for an order for sortie.

In 2005, Prof. Bruce Cummings of Chicago University of the US, an expert in the Korean war, wrote in his book that with the approval of President Truman, MacArthur planned to drop 30 to 50 atomic bombs centring around the border between the DPRK and China and organized an A-bomb dropping drill in which nuclear warhead-removed A-bombs were dropped in the vicinity of Pyongyang.

The US attempt to use A-bombs in the Korean war shocked the whole world.

It was only some years after the tragedies happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, and therefore the whole world was still suffering from the A-bomb nightmare.

At 9:15:30 on August 6 1945, Hiroshima was engulfed in the flames of an atomic bomb. The death and missing numbered 71 000 and the wounded 68 000 and half of the city was completely destroyed. On August 9, Nagasaki suffered a disaster due to another A-bomb dropped by the US.

The world was filled with horror by the use of A-bombs and their destructive power, the first of its kind in human history.

After the Second World War, the US imperialists, who regarded A-bomb as a major means of world domination, declared that they would use such a "weapon of evil" also in the Korean war.

Through the nuclear blackmail, the US tried to put political and military pressure on the DPRK and, at the same time, destroy the confidence of the Korean people in victory by taking advantage of the psychology of those who were fearful of the bomb and thereby get out of the unfavourable war situation.

But its nuclear blackmail could not frighten the brave soldiers of the Korean People's Army and other Korean people who were fighting, rallied closely around Supreme Commander Kim Il Sung.

The US imperialists regarded the Korean people as colonial slaves with no ability to resist, he said, adding that the Americans thought our people would surrender if they threatened and blackmailed them with aircraft, tanks and A-bombs and roared at them.

The US imperialists failed to take into account that the Korean people of today are not colonial slaves of the past, but the people who built a powerful democratic base for five years and experienced freedom, rights and happiness under the people's government, he said. They didn't know that such a people never surrender to the imperialist aggressors, but fight to the last to defend the freedom and honour of their country, he declared.

The enemy's nuclear threat and blackmail could not work on the indomitable faith, iron will, matchless courage and strong pluck of the Supreme Commander who was determined to settle accounts with the US aggressors to the last without yielding to any storms and stresses.

The KPA soldiers sent a barrage of fire on the enemies with the will to annihilate them on this land, proving that every atomic weapon becomes potent before the people who turned out in the just resistance.

During the three-year war, the US imperialists resorted to the moves for nuclear blackmail whenever they mounted a vicious offensive, but they could not bring the Korean people to their knees as they were closely united around the great leader Kim Il Sung with a single mind and purpose.

In the course of defeating the US imperialists and achieving the historic victory in the Fatherland Liberation War, the Korean people learned the truth that the force of the people rallying closely around the great leader, a man of strong faith and will and with the greatest courage, is more powerful than atomic bombs and no one can match it in the world.

The Korean people will always cherish this truth and closely unite around the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un to resolutely smash all threats and blackmails by the hostile forces and perpetuate the tradition of victory on this land.