
Fervent Reverence for the Peerlessly Great Man


The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said:

"The great Comrade Kim Il Sung was the most prominent leader of the 20th century and a peerlessly great man."

The world has never known such a peerlessly great man as President Kim Il Sung who was revered and respected by all people for his great exploits for global independence.

This is well explained by the course of his visit to Algeria in Africa.

The President visited Algeria in May Juche 64(1975) at the earnest invitation of Houari Boumedienne, the then President of Algeria

The Algerian president and people welcomed him most warmly and expressed their utmost sincerity throughout his visit to their country.

The Algerian government organized an airfield event on an unprecedented scale, including mobilizing all citizens of the capital city to welcome the President at the airport.

Almost all the ambassadors of different countries to Algeria were also there. Among them were French and Turkish ambassadors who wanted to have good relationship with the DPRK.

During the stay of the DPRK delegation, Boumedienne, head of State of Algeria, laid all his work aside for six days and personally accompanied the President, expressing his greatest sincerity.

What was special of the events to welcome the President was that many women took part in them.

In Algeria, it is the custom for women never to take part in any event. But during his visit to Algeria, young Muslim women took part in the event of welcoming the delegation, taking off the towel which they wore on their heads. Mrs. Boumedien also broke the custom of not attending all diplomatic events such as attending parties or going to airfields, and for the first time she was at the airport to attend the events greeting the President and also attended many welcoming receptions.

The women who attended the events welcomed the delegation with peculiar movements. At the mass rally, women sat down separately among themselves and while the President was making a speech, they made a more fluent sound than the oriole sounds with their tongues, holding up their fingers and shaking them. It was the custom of women to welcome and enjoy their dear guests.

President Algeria arranged a banquet for the President in the traditional Arabic custom with utmost sincerity.

Algerian and other Arab people have a special custom of serving, in which they bake a whole sheep when they treat guests. They slaughter a sheep, fill the stomach with rice, bake it whole, put it on the table, and pick a slice up before they offer to the guest. The Arab people consider that doing so is a kind hospitality to their guests.

In Algeria, they also baked the whole sheep and offered it to the guest, saying that the lamb's armpits were the most delicious.

While enjoying the baked whole lamb with Boumedienne, President asked when this custom, which did not seem to be contemporary people's custom, came into being. The former said it was handed down from the period of nomads.

During his visit, the Algerian president personally awarded the certificate of honorary citizenship of Algeria to the President, reflecting his boundless respect for him. The University of Algiers awarded the title of honorary Doctor of the University of Algiers to eternally mark the visit of Kim Il Sung to their university, who was building Korea into a model country of socialism under the uplifted banner of the Juche idea.

Algerian President said to him that his country was learning a lot from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and that he was now carrying out the industrial, agricultural and cultural revolutions, following the line of the three revolutions–ideological, technological and cultural–in Korea. Boumedien specially organized visits to two universities, rural districts and general motor vehicle plant, saying that he would show the President how they were carrying out these three revolutions.

During his visit to Algeria, the President discussed in depth various issues such as strengthening friendship and solidarity between the two countries, fighting together at the UN General Assembly in the future and attending the summit of the non-aligned states, and advanced clear proposals to reach a complete agreement on them. He also indicated a way of self-sufficiency in food in Algeria where the desert occupies most of the territory. He also said that the people's level of consciousness should be raised by carrying out the cultural revolution and taught the way to do so in an easy way.

During his visit to Algeria, heads of states in Africa who had ever been to the DPRK to meet and receive many instructions from the President, also competitively asked him to visit their countries.

Indeed, the reverence of the world people for the President-the lodestar of the cause of human independence was so sincere and ardent.

The reverence for the President of the Algerian people, who have a completely different racial identity, custom and beliefs, clearly shows that he is a peerlessly great man admired and followed by all people.