Sporting event adding revolutionary optimism and joy to all-people general offensive


On the occasion of the greatest national holiday, February Holiday, the sports and amusement games took place in the university gymnasium with a large attendance of teaching staff of the university.

All the participants including players, teachers, rsearchers and officials present there felt their hearts swelling with deep reverence for the great General Kim Jong Il and gratitude to the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un who have turned our country into a world – level military power.

Everywhere in the gymnasium were displayed the visual boards and decorating devices which added the celebrating atmosphere.

In the games played the teams from colleges, faculties and units which won in the preliminary and semifinal games of each event which were played since the middle of January.

Colorful sports and amusement games were played such as basketball, volleyball, table tennis, rhythmic gymnastics, a rope pulling and Taekwon-do amidst enthusiastic cheering by players and audience.

Drawing particular attention was the volleyball game between Mathematics Faculty and Physics Faculty, the table tennis game between Foreign language and History Faculty, the rope pulling between Earth and Environment Science Faculty and Research Institution for cutting –edge science for its well-organized game and for high-leveled techniques and tactics and competitive spirit of players present there.

Amid the heated cheering, the players powerfully demonstrated the capacity and unity of their collectives and showed to the full their physical and technical preparation and ennobling mental and moral traits.